Detained And Questioned By Orange County Sheriff

Flying UAV over police station? Well that’s the debate in this one. On location at  Saddleback Station in Aliso Viejo, California.

Don’t let intimidation tactics deter you from exercising your rights. You must know the crime they suspect you of committing. You can’t be detained just because they want to ask you questions.

Drones are still allowed so tell these guys to shove it. There is no reason to believe there is privacy. The drone can go over any public building and be done with it.

The cop facilities are not “Private property” “we” as the taxpayers have rights to see what is going on. Watch the whole video for details.

Why don’t you ask for permission??? — Because we don’t have to!

You can’t enforce a law you can’t even cite. The photographer was illegally detained for some time.




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